RJA @ Restore America

Restore America Conference

Retired Judges of America will attend the Conference and have an opportunity to tell our story at a Friday luncheon.  Stop by and say hi!

 Here’s an overview of the Restore America Conference Info:

In a time when the values that made America a great nation are under attack You Must Make a Difference! Learn from nationally known speakers at the Restore America Conference, Feb 22-23, 2008 at Rolling Hills Community Church, Tualatin, OR.

  • Click here for more information about the conference and to register. 

High Court’s Big Secret

Retired Judge Darrell White with Bibles
This article appeared in the December 2006 issue of Citizen magazine.

High Court’s Big Secret
by Stephen Adams, Focus on the Family

Don’t tell the ACLU, but a recent discovery proves the U.S. Supreme Court is a faith-based organization.

One significant milestone totally unnoticed by the Washington establishment this year was the 100th anniversary of the Harlan Bible. Don’t feel bad if you’ve never heard of it. The Harlan Bible is a well-kept secret to virtually all but the 50-plus U.S. Supreme Court justices who have signed their names to its flyleaf since 1906, nearly half of all justices who have ever served.

The little-known Harlan Bible is named after John Marshall Harlan, a prominent Supreme Court justice, devout Christian and Sunday school teacher who started the tradition, bequeathing this English Bible to the generations of justices to come. Some of its mystery has been unwrapped by retired Louisiana City Judge Darrell White….

Judge White was on a law panel with Judge [Roy] Moore in Oklahoma City several years ago when a random question about the oath taken by federal judges sent him on a research project that turned up so many curious historical facts that he’s now working on a book about it. In particular, White wanted to know the origin of the phrase “so help me God” in the judicial oath prescribed by the original Judiciary Act of 1789.

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