Kerrville TX Municipal Court Judges Sign Bible
Kerrville, Texas (October 7, 2016) – The Kerrville Municipal Court has received a special donation from the American Judicial Alliance – a unique signatory Bible known as the “Harlan Bible.”
In 1906, Justice John Marshall Harlan gave his personal copy of the Bible to the Supreme Court of the United States. Since that time it has become known as the “Harlan Bible” and is maintained by the court’s curator. The “Harlan Bible” is an Oxford Sunday School Teachers Edition King James Bible with blank pages for notes. Without exception, the Harlan Bible’s flyleaf pages have been signed by every justice in succession shortly after taking the oath of office.
Retired Judge Darrell White, head of the American Judicial Alliance, hopes to perpetuate this signatory tradition in courts throughout the United States. In early August, Judge White dedicated one such Bible to the Kerrville Municipal Court. This Bible is leather bound and gold embossed with the court’s name on the cover.
The American Judicial Alliance’s stated goal is to revive the notion that we are “one nation under God.” In this regard, Judge White personally dedicates Harlan Bibles to courts around the country as a reminder of the Judeo-Christian principles upon which the nation’s laws were founded. He has personally presented Harlan Bibles to the Texas Supreme Court, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, along with a host of other state, federal and municipal courts across the country.
“This has been an eye opening experience and I’m very glad that Judge White is doing this. I wasn’t even aware of that tradition at the United States Supreme Court, and I’ve been practicing now for 18 years,” said Kerrville Municipal Judge Patrick Maguire. “I think it’s important for all of us in this day and age to remember the foundations of our legal system and our society.”
Both Kerrville Municipal Judges Patrick Maguire and Mark Prislovsky have signed the Kerrville Municipal Court’s new copy of the Harlan Bible. The Bible will be kept at the Kerrville Municipal Court and eventually Judge Maguire hopes to be able to place the Bible on display.
Four Southwest Louisiana Courts Receive Bibles
Crowley, La. – American Judicial Alliance, a national organization based in Louisiana, is dedicating Bibles to every court in the United States of America—and today will dedicate Bibles to the City Courts of Crowley, Eunice, Opelousas and Rayne. The organization intends to emphasize the biblical origins of the nation and reassert the importance of the America’s “Organic Laws,” especially the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.
The Bibles are being dedicated in replication of a tradition held by the United States Supreme Court for over one hundred years. One of America’s most interesting justices, John Marshall Harlan (1833-1911) began the tradition by donating his personal Bible to the Court. Since that time, every Supreme Court Justice has signed the Harlan Bible.
American Judicial Alliance (AJA) and its related organization, Retired Judges of America (RJA) are led by Retired Judge Darrell White and Jason Stern. Both men share a vision for “awakening the conscience of One Nation Under God” and for featuring the unmistakable link between the Bible and America’s Constitution and laws.
As the organization moves out across the South, judges are receiving the Bibles with enthusiasm: “We are so grateful to receive this Bible into our Court. America’s Framers knew what they were doing when they established this nation. It’s our duty to continue that vision,” says Judge M’Elise Trahan on behalf of the City Court of Crowley, Louisiana.
America’s Supreme Court Justices have acknowledged the importance of the Harlan Bible Tradition. Justice Samuel Alito recently wrote what a “thrilling and awe-inspiring moment” it was when he signed his name alongside “all the Justices for the past 100 years.” Former Justice David Souter has said that signing the Harlan Bible was the “most humbling thing he ever did.” And Justice Sonia Sotomayor acknowledged that taking her Judicial Oath on the Harlan Bible was among the “most symbolically meaningful” activities of her investiture.
“American Judicial Alliance intends to place a Bible in every courtroom in America and to ask active and retired judges all across America to join the
“Harlan tradition” of signing the Bible and utilizing them in their courts,” says the group’s founder, Retired Judge Darrell White. “Every judge who is awakened to the Bible’s vital role in our founding is another judge awakened to our future,” White concluded.
American Judicial Alliance is based in Baton Rouge, La. and has dedicated over 150 Bibles to courts across the South including the Supreme Courts of Louisiana and Texas, as well as several federal courts.
A related article by the Acadia Parish Network of Newspapers can be found here.
Bring America Back to God Rally in Mansfield

Retired Judge Darrell White (L) with Judges Robert Burgess and Charles Adams and the Harlan Bible
In 2008, the Gannett newspaper reported on Retired Judges of America’s dedication of a “Harlan Bible” to the 42nd Judicial District Court in Desoto Parish. “History was made and remembered today as the first district attorney and first judges to represent the newly created 42nd Judicial District of DeSoto Parish received their formal oaths of office,” said the article, the entirety of which is located here.
District Judges Robert E. Burgess and Charles B. Adams [see letter of acknowledgment] were sworn in and enthusiastically received the Bible.
Retired Judge Darrell White will again visit Desoto Parish this Sunday for an Independence Day Celebration.
He will join Attorney Mike Johnson at the “Bring America Back to God” Community-Wide Rally for Liberty.
The Rally will take place on Sunday, July 3rd from 7 to 9 PM at Southside Baptist Church in Mansfield, Louisiana and is sponsored by Louisiana College and Desoto Parish Churches.
Judge White and Dean Johnson will address the question: What has gone wrong in America and how can we FIX IT?
A printable flier for the rally is below. Please plan to attend if you are in the area.
National Day of Prayer 2011 Celebrated!
Judge Darrell White, retired from Baton Rouge City Court, discussed the judicial branch followed by prayers by Pastor Pat Chambers of MPC. Care Pastor Brad Grzych discussed the military and asked military personnel and families to stand.
Baker Police Chief Mike “Snapper” Knaps and Pastor Joseph Fields of MPC led prayers for the seven centers of power which are business, church, education, families, media, military and police.
Retired Judge Robert Downing talked on the history and significance of the National Day of Prayer and MPC Care Pastor Kyle Engels delivered the benediction and a united salute to God.
Music was provided by Pastor Chris Breaux and the Miracle Place Church Worship Team.
The National Day of Prayer is part of our heritage. In 1775 the Continental Congress asked the colonies to pray for wisdom in forming the nation. President Harry Truman declared an annual day of prayer and President Ronald Reagan set it for the first Thursday in May.
Constitution Day!
“The belief in a God All Powerful wise and good is essential to the moral order of the world and to the happiness of man.”
– James Madison
On Constitution Day 2010, Retired Judge Darrell White addressed classes at two different schools in Baton Rouge. Pictured here is Judge White with an elementary class at Highland Elementary and below, he is speaking to students at Buchanan Elementary School. The students learned more about the U.S. Constitution today!
In addition, we hosted several first year law students for lunch at the American Judicial Alliance Headquarters and discussed Constitutional Law, with a particular focus on the First Amendment.
We are gearing up for our trip to the Texas State Judicial Conference next week. If you’re in Corpus Christi on Wednesday, come on out and visit our booth!
Deep in the Heart of Texas!
American Judicial Alliance will attend the Texas State Judicial Conference in just a few weeks. Over six hundred courts will be represented at this conference and AJA will be ready! We’ll have a booth in the convention area and plan to meet lots of judges!
Six hundred judges is a lot of judges to be sure! …And that means a lot of Bibles for Courts. Our plan is to place signatory Bibles in every court in America in the fashion of the Harlan Bible at the U.S. Supreme Court.
Help us bring the Gospel to the Courts by joining American Judicial Alliance.
Judge McIntyre Interview
Retired Judge White interviews Judge Rudy McIntyre after the Winnsboro speaking event:
Worried about America’s Future? We have Answers. Become a member of American Judical Alliance today.
Houston Judges Receive Bibles

Houston Judges Pose with Retired Judge Darrell White and Jason Stern as they receive their Court Bibles on May 1st, 2010
The Houston Chapter of Concerned Women for America invited American Judicial Alliance to speak to their gathering on Saturday, May 1st, so the team traveled overnight Friday to make the 9 am meeting.
Retired Judge Darrell White shared the vision and dedicated seven Court Bibles. Two previous recipients of Houston-area Court Bibles also joined us to support the event!
Incidentally, May 1st is the inscription on all Bibles dedicated by this organization. May 1st is celebrated as “Law Day,” and creates a perfect reminder of why we remember the source of Law.
A good time was had by all. Thank you CWFA for the wonderful meeting!
American Judicial Alliance Presents Bibles to 28 North Louisiana Courts
Choudrant, La. – On Friday, March 12, 2010, American Judicial Alliance, a national organization based in Louisiana, dedicated twenty-eight bibles to north Louisiana courts at Squire Creek Country Club in Choudrant, Louisiana.
The Bibles are dedicated in replication of a tradition held by the United States Supreme Court for over one hundred years. One of America’s most interesting justices, John Marshall Harlan (I) began the tradition by donating his personal Bible to the court. Since that time, every Supreme Court Justice has signed the “Harlan” Bible.
Friday night’s dinner featured a keynote by nationally-known historian and author, William J. Federer, whose books include “America’s God and Country,” “What Every American Needs to Know about the Qur’an” and “The Original 13: a Documentary History of Religion in America’s first Thirteen States.”
American Judicial Alliance (AJA) and its associated organization, Retired Judges of America (RJA) are led by Retired Judge Darrell White and Jason Stern. Both men share a vision for “awakening the conscience of One Nation Under God” and for restoring the importance of both the Bible and the Constitution to American jurisprudence.
Judge John Slattery of Springhill City Court said, “We are so grateful to receive this Bible into our court. The Framers knew what they were doing when they established this nation. It’s our duty to continue that vision.”
“American Judicial Alliance intends to place a Bible in every courtroom in America and to ask active and retired judges all across America to join the “Harlan tradition” of signing the Bible and utilizing them in their courts,” said Retired Judge Darrell White.
American Judicial Alliance is based in Baton Rouge, La. and has so far dedicated approximately 100 Bibles to courts across the South including the Supreme Courts of Louisiana and Texas.