Ten Commandments on ‘Winning Streak’
A decision from the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has extended a winning streak for the Ten Commandments that dates back to 2005.
The organization successfully argued on behalf of the legality of a display in a public building in Kentucky that included the Ten Commandments among other historical references.
The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals handed down a ruling in the case brought by the ACLU that reversed a lower court’s opinion that said the Ten Commandments were impermissible.
“The Ten Commandments are as much at home in a display about the foundation of law as stars and stripes are to the American flag,” said Mathew Staver, Liberty Counsel’s founder and chairman. “The Ten Commandments are part of the fabric of our country and helped shape the law. It defies common sense to remove a recognized symbol of law from a court of law.
Powers of the American People
This exerpt from “Powers of the American people, Congress, President, and courts: (according to the evolution of constitutional construction)” by Masuji Miyakawa, was published in 1908 by the Baker & Taylor co. (pp. 346-349) Mr. Miyakawa grasped in 1908 the same essense of what America needs today. [Bonus: Look for Justice Harlan to show up after the jump!]
“Strange to say, the American judges, ever since the organization of the Government, have been the least criticised and least arraigned public officers. On the contrary they have been the most respected and most honored among all the dignitaries of America. We may attribute this strange phenomenon to the fact that the only thing which the American will obey is law and the only thing in which he will know the meaning of obedience is his relation to law. The judges of the United States and of the several States are thoroughly conscious of their exceptional privileges and immunities; also of their correspondingly great responsibilities as the only interpreters of the law, to whom alone the final construction of the law of the land is unreservedly entrusted.
All the American judges realize this. The American people know that the strictest obedience to law is the foundation stone of the strength and permanence of the republic. This has been understood by the American people ever since they founded their country. Departure from this common understanding tends to involve national ruin by creating anarchy. Superficial observers who see but the so called material side of American progress, or those who are devotees of the game of profit, do wrong when they do not appreciate the fundamental proposition that the people are the backbone of progress.
Such superficiality not only fails to grasp the true situation, but also fails to appreciate the true meaning of the beneficent opportunity upon which the Americans build their higher and nobler civilization. The statements recently made that the American people have changed their allegiance from the great principles which they embodied in the Declaration of Independence to the worship of the almighty dollar, and that the American people have changed from their appreciation of the Bible to the worship of the sword are evidence of the fact that their authors are but shallow students of the America of to day.
To illustrate the fallacy of such statements: Continue reading
In the Interest of Justice
Writes In the Interest of Justice:
There is only one word for Tueday night’s keynote Speaker. That would be “Wow.” His Honor Retired Judge White was both a delight and enlightening at the same time. His portion of the evening lasted about 1 and 1/2 hours but seemed like 20 minutes. Sit back with a great cup of coffee and watch the entire video here. Judge Darrell White is an asset that needs to be exploited and duplicated.
Alito Opines on the ABA
“The ABA is a venerable organization with a history of service to the bar, but it is, after all, a private group with limited membership. The views of the association’s members, not to mention the views of the members of the advisory committee that formulated the 2003 Guidelines, do not necessarily reflect the views of the American bar as a whole. It is the responsibility of the courts to determine the nature of the work that a defense attorney must do in a capital case in order to meet the obligations imposed by the Constitution, and I see no reason why the ABA Guidelines should be given a privileged position in making that determination.” – Justice Samuel Alito
New Courts Added in Houston
Houston,Texas — Retired Judges of America (RJA) dedicated Court Presentation Bibles to six Harris County area trial courts while attending and speaking at the Houston Christian Legal Society’s meeting today. Receiving Bibles were judges representing the Harris County Criminal Court at Law Number 14, the 174th Criminal District Court, the 189th, 269th, and 333rd Civil District Courts, and the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas. These judges are setting a worthy example for their judicial colleagues through acceptance of these commemorative court presentation Bibles,” said RJA’s Founder and President, Darrell White, a retired city judge and former military judge for the Louisiana National Guard. Continue reading
When did Colorado Become Congress?
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof….”

Erica Corder
Erica Corder, a courageous Colorado high school valedictorian has become one of the latest victims of unconstitutional political correctness. Her 2006 reference to Jesus Christ during a 30-second statement at her graduation service prompted her principal to require her to sign a apology as a prerequisite to receiving her diploma.
Here’s what Erica said: “We are all capable of standing firm and expressing our own beliefs, which is why I need to tell you about someone who loves you more than you could ever imagine. He died for you on a cross over 2,000 years ago, yet was resurrected and is living today in heaven. His name is Jesus Christ. If you don’t already know him personally I encourage you to find out more about the sacrifice he made for you so that you now have the opportunity to live in eternity with him.”
Her forced apology was designed to appease the interests of those who might claim to take offense at the mention of Jesus Christ. What an irony that reference to Christ is embedded in the very Constitution Erica is accused of violating:
Article VII concludes that the document was executed in the year of “our Lord” [September 17, 1787] and makes further reference to the Declaration of Independence, our nation’s birth certificate, that contains no less than four references to God! Continue reading
DeRidder Judges Receive Bibles
DeRidder, La. –
Court presentation bible dedication by Retired Judges of America
Retired Judges of America (RJA) dedicated a Court Presentation Bible to the 36th Judicial District Court in DeRidder, Louisiana while attending and participating in a recent Installation Ceremony.
“Judges Kerry Anderson and Martha Ann O’Neal are setting a worthy example for their judicial colleagues through the acceptance of this Bible,” said RJA’s founder and President, Darrell White, a retired city judge and former military judge for the Louisiana National Guard.
Judges Anderson and O’Neal are following a tradition begun by U.S Supreme Court when 1906, Justice John Marshall Harlan, I (1833-1911), gave a Bible to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). It has become known as the “Harlan Bible” and is maintained by that Court’s Curator. Since it’s presentation, the Harlan Bible’s flyleaf pages have been signed by every justice in succession shortly after taking the oath of office. Justice Samuel Alito recently acknowledged what a “thrilling and awe-inspiring moment” it was when he signed his name alongside “all of the justices for the past 100 years.”
The Bible accepted by Judges Anderson and O’Neal on behalf of the Court is Continue reading
RJA Featured on WallBuilders Live! Radio
Judge Darrell White (Retired) was interviewed by Rick Green of David Barton’s WallBuilders Live Radio Show regarding the Harlan Bible and other God-acknowledging features of America’s governmental system. Rick expressed gratification to know that the Texas Supreme Court has received a commemorative Court Presentation Bible for its future use.
Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson and his colleagues were keenly interested to hear the story of how SCOTUS Justice John Marshall Harlan (1833-1911) donated what has become known as the “Harlan Bible” to the U.S. Supreme Court, and were most receptive to launch that tradition in the Supreme Court of Texas.
Retired Judges of America Helps Make History!
DeSoto’s district attorney, judges make history today
District Attorney Richard Z. Johnson Jr. and District Judges Robert E. Burgess and Charles B. Adams [see letter of acknowledgment here] got a head start on their swearing in to get it out of the way of the upcoming holidays. And also because the legislation this year that created the 42nd Judicial District calls for them to begin their terms Jan. 1.
The DeSoto courtroom was full of family, friends, local and visiting elected officials and even three classes of elementary schoolchildren from Pelican All Saints High School.
With the new district came a new tradition for Burgess and Adams. Darrell White, a retired city judge and former military judge for the Louisiana National Guard, presented the judges with a leather Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible. Continue reading